

Students promoting from White Belt to Yellow belt will be tested on their knowledge of the following terminology:

  • Counting from 1 to 10 in Korean

    • 1 - Hanah

    • 2 - Dule

    • 3 - Set

    • 4 - Net

    • 5 - Dahsut

    • 6 - Yahsut

    • 7 - Ilgup

    • 8 - Yuldulb

    • 9 - Ahop

    • 10 - Yul

  • Korean terms:

    • Uniform – DoBoke 

    • Gymnasium - DoChung 

    • National Flag – Gooki  

  • Who was the founder of our Organization?  - Grand Master Il-Kwon Kim

  • What degree black belt was Grand Master Kim?  - 9th degree

  • What does Tae Kwon Do mean?  - The way of the feet and the hands

10 elements of training:

1. Imaginary Opponent

2. Blocking Like Striking

3. Left & Right Side Balance

4. Eyesight and Correct Posture

5. Ki-hap!

6. Breathing

7. Control Distance

8. Control Balance

9. Control Speed

10. Control Power

10 commitments of training:

 1. Compassion:  Compassionate people show concern for others. They do not look down on those who are weaker or less fortunate, but show kindness and give assistance if appropriate.

 2. Courtesy: Tae Kwon Do emphasizes courtesy. Politeness and respect extend to family, leaders, elders, and country and to people in general.

 3. Harmony: Tae Kwon Do emphasizes a balanced life. All aspects of a person – physical, mental, and spiritual – are important.

 4. Honor/Integrity: Truthfulness, trustworthiness and responsibility are the mark of an honorable person. An honorable person keeps his or her word.

 5. Humility: One can be proud of accomplishments without being boastful. A humble person looks at those accomplishments as steps along a learning path.

 6. Leadership: Leadership goes hand in hand with humility. Leaders set the example for continued learning and encourage others in their endeavors. A leader models all the characteristics in this list.

7. Loyalty: People who are loyal do not betray the trust of others. They will defend a just person, group, or cause.

8. Patience: Students should learn to calmly wait. Great things don’t develop overnight. They grow in the soil of hard work and practice and in the light of patience.

9. Perseverance: The partner of patience is perseverance. Tae Kwon Do students should strive to grow in their ability to stick with tough challenges, finding reward in achieving what at first seemed too difficult.

10. Self-discipline: Students should seek self-discipline, realizing that it is better to control your own behavior than to count on the authority of others to provide limits.  A self-disciplined person learns to block out distractions and focus on what is important.

Our organization has been here since 1967