Demo Team

The I.K. Kim Ja Be Ryu Demo Team consists of an elite group of students, from the various I.K. Kim school locations, who train together and perform throughout the year at promotion tests, tournaments, and other local area events.  The Demo Team is made up of serious students who want to sharpen their skills, learn more advanced techniques, and deepen their understanding of the martial arts.  As representatives of the I.K. Kim Ja Be Ryu organization, students who make the team must exhibit respectful and enthusiastic attitudes, train seriously, and give 110% effort.

Try-outs are held once per year (usually in August).  Try-out dates will be posted on the Announcement page and will also be announced in class at each gym location.  Students must receive their Head Instructor's approval to try-out.

Team Eligibility:  As of the time of the try-out, any student who is between 7 and 17 years of age and who has attained the rank of brown belt or higher may try-out.

Training:  Team practices special breaking techniques, self-defense techniques, advanced kicking techniques, as well as synchronized basic motions and forms.

Team Instructors:  Senior Master M. Zimmer (7th dan), Master K. Marner (6th dan), Mr. U. Kadekaro (4th dan). Team B Instructors: Dr. M. Maupin (2nd dan), Mr. T.J. Schlereth (2nd dan)

Uniforms:  For performances, the team wears special Demo Team uniforms/belts.  Master Kim splits the cost with team members.  Cost to students: $50 for size 0 to size 3; $55 for size 4 and up.

Attendance Requirements: Demo Team members are expected to consistently participate in team practices, promotions, and in regular classes. To work together and perform well as a team, we depend on each other to fully commit to the practice schedule.  There are NOT a lot of practices, so absences should be rare. Should an unavoidable conflict arise, notification of absence must be made at least 48 hours in advance for it to be considered an excused absence. Students may not remain on the team after two unexcused absences.

Representing our organization